Thermal Management
- Air to Air Thermal Management Assemblies
- Liquid to Air Thermal Management Assemblies
- Liquid to Liquid Thermal Management Assemblies
- Plate to Air Thermal Management Assemblies
- Air Cooling Components
- Heat Pipes and Thermosiphons
- Liquid Cooling Components
- Thermal Management Accessories
- Thermoelectric, Peltier Modules
- Vapor Compression Components
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Product Portfolio
AMS Technologies is a leading supplier of components and assemblies for cooling photonics devices and power electronics as well as stabilizing the temperature of reagents, liquids, solids or gases.
Our air cooling components dissipating heat to the ambient air comprise high-performance heat sinks, general purpose DC fans and AC fans for forced air ventilation, as well as filter fans with exchangeable exhaust filter inserts that ensure clean and reliable air exchange in cabinets.
For managing higher heat loads, AMS Technologies carries a broad selection of liquid cooling components, including liquid-cooled cold plates and fin heat exchangers, available with different liquid path materials suitable for various liquids like deionized water or water-glycol-mixtures.
We offer also an extraordinary portfolio of thermoelectric or Peltier modules and provide extensive development services for thermoelectric-based cooling solutions for medical equipment, instrumentation, transportation and other applications.
If you are looking for complete thermal management solutions rather than components, AMS Technologies supplies an exceptional portfolio of ready-to-use assemblies – ideal solutions to cool and remove heat from cabinets, control panels and battery packs or to cool reagents and drugs in analytical and life science applications consoles.
Our air to air thermal management assemblies include cabinet coolers, dehumidifiers and miniature air conditioners, while plate to air thermal management assemblies like our range of direct cooling kits are the ideal solution for photonics cooling when a solid state heat source like a laser diode needs to be cooled and temperature-stabilized by a compact and maintenance free cooling device.
Liquid to air thermal management assemblies like our range of recirculating chillers, ambient cooling systems and other liquid to air thermal management solutions use water or water-glycol mixtures for heat transfer, while liquid to liquid thermal management assemblies like our range of water cooling pump stations, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly turbo compressor recirculating chillers or our LCS cooling systems are ideal solutions for cooling large power electronics or energy storage systems using process water.
If you can’t find an off-the-shelf device or assembly that meets your thermal management needs, please contact the AMS Technologies thermal management experts – together with our suppliers we can create a temperature control solution tailored to your requirements. We guarantee that we can provide a solution to any thermal management issue, no matter how complex.
Related Products
For drive and control of our thermoelectric devices, dedicated TEC temperature controllers or TEC drivers are available from stock, including analog and digital TEC drivers with PI (proportional, integral) or PID (proportional, integral, derivative) type of control.
Our thermal management technologies are used to cool optical technologies components and systems like lasers and light sources, laser diodes or LEDs, but also for removing heat dissipated by power switches, power modules or water-cooled capacitors for high electrical power.
Alternative Terms: Cooling Technologies; Temperature Control Technologies; Heat Removal
Air to Air Thermal Management Assemblies
Liquid to Air Thermal Management Assemblies
Liquid to Liquid Thermal Management Assemblies
Plate to Air Thermal Management Assemblies
Air Cooling Components
Heat Pipes and Thermosiphons
Liquid Cooling Components
Thermal Management Accessories
Thermoelectric, Peltier Modules
Vapor Compression Components
Cabinet Conditioning