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AFS-G/SFS-G/AGI-G/ASI-G Gold Coated High Temperature Fibers

Product information "AFS-G/SFS-G/AGI-G/ASI-G Gold Coated High Temperature Fibers"

Gold Coated, Single Mode, Multi Mode; 190 to 2400 nm; Core Diameter 50 to 400 µm; Mode Field Diameter 4.3, 9.0 µm; Cladding Diameter 125 to 440 µm; Numerical Aperture 0.12 to 0.275

Fiberguide’s AFS-G/SFS-G/AGI-G/ASI-G series of gold coated high temperature optical fibers is designed to achieve the widest temperature range (-269 to +700 °C) of any optical fiber on the market. This, combined with excellent corrosion resistance, and the fiber’s ability to be soldered or brazed, makes it the ideal fiber for many high temperature applications such as turbine flame monitoring, oil and gas down-hole sensing, and high vacuum or pressure applications.

As an option, some types of gold coated high temperature fibers can be provided with a broad selection of shaped tips – standard configurations as well as custom designed shapes. Shaped tip fibers provide optimum control over beam delivery and/or increased efficiency of light collection.

Some of the fibers can also be end capped to achieve higher coupled power into a fiber core by reducing the power density at the air / silica interface, commonly the point of laser damage. End cap diameters and lengths are offered for select numerical apertures and fiber cores size, but can be easily customized for a variety of fiber types and specialized applications.

Additionally, all fiber types can be equipped on demand with Fiberguide’s patented RARe Motheye anti-reflective technology that enhances fiber transmission performance and significantly increases the damage threshold for your application over a large wavelength range.

Key Features:

  • Multi Mode (Step/Graded Index) or Single Mode Fibers
  • Pure/Germanium Doped Fused Silica Core, Fluorine Doped/Pure Silica Cladding
  • Coating: Gold
  • Core / Cladding Sizes: 50/125 to 400/440 µm (MM)
  • Mode Field Diameter / Cladding Sizes: 4.3/125, 9.0/125 µm (SM)
  • Numerical Aperture (NA): 0.12 to 0.275
  • Recommended Bend Radius: Short Term 100 x Clad Diameter, Long Term 200 x Clad Diameter
  • 100% Proof Test Using 4-Axis Bend Method

Applications: Turbine Flame Monitoring; Oil and Gas Down-hole Sensing; High Vacuum Applications; High Pressure Applications

Manufacturer "Fiberguide Industries"
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AGI Graded Index MM Fibers
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APC/SPC Polymer Clad MM Fibers
Multi Mode; 190 to 2200 nm; Core Diameter 200 to 2000 µm; Cladding Diameter 300 to 2150 µm; Coating Nylon; Numerical Aperture 0.37 Fiberguide’s Anhydroguide™ (APC) and Superguide™ (SPC) series of silica core, polymer clad, Nylon coated multi mode fibers feature a polymer cladding. This polymer cladding enables a numerical aperture (NA) of 0.37, but it differs from the hard polymer cladding of Fiberguide’s APCH/SPCH series of hard polymer clad MM fibers because the polymer cladding offers better radiation stability for nuclear research and sensing applications. While the APC series features a low hydroxyl ion concentration (low OH) and works in the visible to IR range, SPC variants with high hydroxyl ion concentration are suitable for the UV to visible range. Both series are coated with NAMSA Class VI Nylon. As an option, fibers can be provided with a broad selection of shaped tips  – standard configurations as well as custom designed shapes. Shaped tip fibers provide optimum control over beam delivery and/or increased efficiency of light collection. Some fiber types can also be end capped to achieve higher coupled power into a fiber core by reducing the power density at the air / silica interface, commonly the point of laser damage. End cap diameters and lengths are offered for select numerical apertures and fiber cores size, but can be easily customized for a variety of fiber types and specialized applications. Additionally, all fiber types can be equipped on demand with Fiberguide’s patented RARe Motheye anti-reflective technology that enhances fiber transmission performance and significantly increases the damage threshold for your application over a large wavelength range. Key Features: Step Index Multi Mode Fibers Pure Fused Silica Core / Polymer Cladding Coating: Nylon Core / Cladding Sizes: 200/300 to 2000/2150 µm Wavelengths: SPC (High OH) 190 to 1250 nm, APC (Low OH) 400 to 2200 nm Numerical Aperture (NA): 0.37 Recommended Bend Radius: Short Term 100 x Clad Diameter, Long Term 200 x Clad Diameter 100% Proof Test Using 4-Axis Bend Method Nylon certified to NAMSA Class VI Applications: Bio-Analytical Sensing; Medical Laser; Dental Curing; Spectroscopy; Nuclear Plasma Sensing; Photodynamic Therapy
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