Product information "MNx Series Ultra-compact Microchip DPSS Lasers"
532, 1064, 1535 nm; Output Energy >3, >6, >8 µJ; Repetition Rate >2, >5 kHz; Output Power >12, >15, >40 mW; Peak Power >1.5, >4, >8 kW
Teem Photonics’ MNx Series of ultra-compact microchip DPSS lasers covers the mid infrared (IR) to visible (VIS) part of the spectrum. The lasers integrate the pump diode, the micro cavity and even the second harmonic generation crystal in a package less than 7 cm long.
The MNG-03E-100 is a 532 nm microchip laser which produces sub-nanosecond pulses and achieves a very good harmonic conversion efficiency with pulses displaying several kW peak power in a 750 ps pulse duration. It is housed in a 6.8 cm long package.
The MNP-08E-100 is an economical, compact, and reliable 1064 nm microchip laser producing sub-nanosecond pulses with several kW peak power.
The MNE-06E-100 is an eye safe 1535 nm laser which integrates the pump diode and the micro-cavity in a 10 cm long package. It produces more than 1 kW of peak power in a few nanoseconds pulse duration.
The MNx Series ultra-compact microchip DPSS lasers are easy to operate and service. Controllers can be used with every laser head model and swapped within minutes while keeping constant operating parameters.
Key Features:
- Ultra-compact Package: 68x41x29, 100x22x32 mm (Laser Head)
- Wavelengths: 532, 1064, 1535 nm
- Ultra-short Pulses: <0.75, <1, <3.5 ns
- Multi-kW Peak Power: >1.5, >4, >8 kW
- Excellent Beam Quality: Beam Profile Gaussian TEM00, M²<1.1
- Efficient, Air-cooled
- Output Energy: >3, >6, >8 µJ
- Repetition Rate: >2, >5 kHz
- Average Output Power >12, >15, >40 mW
- Linewidth: 1 pm (MNE-06E-100)
Applications: Supercontinuum Generation; Marking; Raman Spectrometry; Ranging; Biophotonics, Instrumentation; Micromachining