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Acousto-Optic Tunable Filters

Product information "Acousto-Optic Tunable Filters"

Wavelength 351-4500 nm; Active Aperture 2-12 mm; Bandwidth 0.3-12 nm;

Acousto-optic tunable filters (AOTF) are used to rapidly and dynamically select a specific wavelength from a broadband or multi-line laser source. As the applied RF frequency is varied, the transmitted wavelength changes, “tuning” the wavelength of the beam or image in tens of microseconds or less.

An extensive line of AO tunable filters is available for wavelength from the UV through mid-IR, with resolution bandwidths of less than 1nm, with options such as large-aperture imaging filtering and sideband suppression. Fiber-coupled acousto-optic tunable filters devices are available upon request.

AOTFs with apertures less than 6 mm are typically used that have less than tens of nm of resolution bandwidth at NIR wavelengths and less than ten nm at visible wavelengths. A quasi-collinear AOTF can deliver < 1 nm resolution bandwidth if operated with highly collimated light. AOTFs with larger apertures (> 6 mm) are a powerful tool for spectral imaging, rapidly and efficiently scanning an entire image in wavelength. This is of use in high-speed applications like hyperspectral imaging, confocal microscopy and on-line process control. The cost of AOTFs increases significantly for very large apertures, but they deliver unmatched speed for time-sensitive multispectral measurements in industry and biotech, approaching real-time video rate spectral imaging.  

Gooch & Housego’s acousto-optic tunable filters are manufactured using high quality TeO2 crystals grown in-house, polished and fabricated to rigorous standards, with wavelengths from 350 nm to 4.4 µm in a wide variety of apertures and resolution bandwidths. It is possible to filter images up to 25 mm across, meet exceptionally low driver power requirements or design an AOTF to select and transmit multiple discrete wavelengths.

Acousto-optic tunable filters often exhibit light leakage outside the resolution bandwidth of interest, typically at 10-20 dB below peak power. This is due to the response function of the AOTF itself but can be minimized using G&H’s patented techniques. Sideband suppression is available in several models, reducing out of band side lobes by greater than 20 dB relative to the primary beam.

The AOTF product family includes application-specific solutions for illumination or excitation wavelength selection, as well as multispectral or hyperspectral imaging. For best performance, we recommend a matched RF driver, including the latest digital frequency synthesizer (DFS) driver technology and random access wavelength control.

Applications: Confocal Microscopy; Fluorescence Imaging; Hyperspectral Imaging; Imaging Spectroscopy; Laser Wavelength Tuning; On-Line Process Control; Spectroscopy; Wavelength Selection

Series Wavelength Active Aperture Bandwidth Downloads
AOTF 2837-31 351 - 430 nm 2.5 mm 1.0 nm Datasheet     
TF525-250-6-3-GH19A 400 - 650 nm 3 mm 3 nm Datasheet     
AOTF 3151-01 400 - 650 nm 2.5 mm 2.5 nm Datasheet     
TF550-300-4-6-GH57A AOTF 400 - 700 nm 6 mm 4 nm Datasheet     
TF560-280-1-5-NT2 AOTF 420 - 700 nm 5 mm 0.3 nm Datasheet     
AOTF 2838-01 450 - 670 nm 2.5 mm 1.3 nm Datasheet     
AOTF 2885-02 450 - 670 nm 2.5 mm 2 nm Datasheet     
AOTF 2885-04 450 - 670 nm 2.5 mm 4 nm Datasheet     
TF625-350-2-11-BR1A AOTF 450 - 800 nm 11 x 12 mm 1.5 nm Datasheet     
TF850-500-10-6-GH58A AOTF 600 - 1100 nm 6 mm 10 nm Datasheet     
AOTF 2986-01 640 - 1100 nm 2.5 mm 5 nm Datasheet     
TF950-500-1-2-GH96 700 - 1200 nm 2 mm 0.6 nm      
AOTF 2996-01 1100 - 2000 nm 2.5 mm 12 nm Datasheet  Driver Driver
I-TF1650-1100-1-3-GH107 1100 - 2200 nm 3 mm 1.0 nm      
TF1875-1250-10-6-GH59A 1250 - 2500 nm 6 mm 10 nm Datasheet     
I-TF2250-1500-2-3-GH107 1500 - 3000 nm 3 mm 2 nm      
I-TF3250-2500-3-3-GH107 2000 - 4500 nm 3 mm 3 nm      
Manufacturer "Gooch & Housego"
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OC Optical Coatings
Spectral Range 300-2500 nm; Standard and Custom Optical Coatings; Fully Automated E-beam Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IAD) Technology; High Power Handling; Hard Abrasion Resistant Dielectric Coatings Optical thin film coatings are used to change the spectral transmission and reflection behavior of optical surfaces to produce optical components with desirable spectral properties. Nowadays, almost all optical devices have some optical coating applied onto their optical surfaces. OZ Optics uses all-dielectric coating materials and designs that insure virtually no absorption, low loss and no scattering. OZ Optics specializes in coating high power optical components that are used in a variety of applications and industries, using state-of-the-art fully automated electron beam ion assisted technology for manufacturing. Below is a brief description of the coatings available from OZ Optics. we produce. custom designs and runs can also be produced per customer request – contact AMS Technologies for details. Antireflection (AR) Coatings – Laser Line, Wide Band, Dual Band Coatings:Antireflection (AR) coatings are required to increase light throughput, reduce back reflections and minimize stray light in an optical system over a desired spectral range. Optical elements including fiber tips, parallel plates, lenses, and prisms are all regularly antireflection coated. A large variety of antireflection coating designs are regularly used and available. These include AR coatings for: Major laser wavelengths, Dual-band (DBAR) antireflection coatings, Broadband (BBAR) antireflection coatings Custom designs for user-specified spectral regions. Plate Beamsplitters, Tap Coatings, Partial Reflectors:Beamsplitters are used to split reflected and transmitted light of a given spectral range at a specific ratio and predefined angle of incidence (usually 45 degrees). Examples include 50/50, 70/30, and 90/10 transmission/reflection ratios. This also includes control of the polarization states of the reflected and transmitted beams.Tap coatings are used to transmit light but to reflect (tap off) a small portion of light at usually small angles of incidence (e.g 1.8 degrees). 99/1 and 95/5 are common ratios. These are used in a variety of optical systems to measure and control the amount of light that is exiting the optical device (power monitoring). Longwave and Shortwave Pass Filters (Dichroics):Longwave and shortwave pass (also called edge filters, dichroic filters) transmit and reflect certain parts of the spectral range. These filters are designed and made for a predetermined angle of incidence (such as 0 or 45 degrees) or range of incident angles (eg. 0-20, 35-50 degrees), depending on the optical design of the device used. They are used for a variety of applications that require beam combining and separation based on wavelength.One example would be wavelength division multiplexers (WDMs). These devices are used to combine different incoming wavelengths into a single beam. For example, one could combine 532 nm and 633 nm wavelengths into one beam. Laser Line High Reflectors:High reflector mirrors reflect light over a predefined spectral range. Also, partial reflecting mirrors are made where a fixed portion of the light is transmitted. OZ Optics focuses on coating dielectric high reflectors on custom substrates or on fiber tips for a variety of applications. These coatings feature low absorbance, and high power handling. Typical reflectance is R> 99-99.9 %. Custom Optical Coatings:OZ Optics does custom coatings for a variety of applications. Please contact AMS Technologies with your request – we will send you a proposed design (spectral performance) and quote. Key Features: Standard and Custom Optical Coatings Available Fully Automated E-beam Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IAD) Technology High Power Handling Low Temperature Deposition Hard Abrasion Resistant Dielectric Coatings Designed to Handle Large Volume of Fibers, Micro Optics, Lenses, Prisms, Windows and Uncommon Size Substrates Thin Film Design Capabilities for Custom Applications Spectral Range: 300 nm to 2500 nm Low and High Volume On-time Delivery and Competitive Pricing Applications: Fiber Optic Applications Like Sensors, Telecommunications; Lasers; Laser Spectroscopy; Laser to Fiber Delivery; Laser Pumping; Imaging Systems; Instrumentation Optics; General Photonics Applications; Custom Requests
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WaveShaper® 1000A Programmable Optical Filters
1468.0-1640.0 nm; Filter Bandwidth 0.01-9 THz; Connector Type FC/UPC, FC/APC; Wave Manager S/W for external PC With a highly advanced high-resolution, solid-state Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCoS) optical engine, II-VI Incorporated’s WaveShaper® 1000A series of programmable optical filters provides a range of programmable optical filtering and switching options for optical R&D and production test applications. WaveShaper® 1000A systems allow extremely fine control of filter characteristics, including center wavelength, bandwidth, shape, dispersion and attenuation, and support arbitrary user-generated channel and filter shapes. Various models are available which cover the entire range from the S- to the extended L-band. The bandwidth can be set from 10 GHz up to more than 5 THz with 1 GHz increments for the standard C- or L-band version of the 1000A. The X version – which covers C+L band – and the S-band and the extended L-band versions support filter bandwidths from 20 GHz to about 9 THz. The required filter shape (both amplitude and phase) can be generated by the user and then loaded into the WaveManager software, which translates the user specification into the required optical shape. Band-stop and optical comb filters are also supported as is optical power control over a range of more than 35 dB for all filter types. All these filters are equipped with standard single mode (SM) fibers. In addition, a family of WaveShaper® 1000A programmable single polarization filters is available on request – this series comes with polarization maintaining (PM) fibers. Please contact AMS Technologies for more details. Key Features: Based on High-resolution Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCoS) Technology Instrument Versions Available for the 1 µm Band and for the Entire Range Covering the S-, C-, L- and Extended L-band Operating Wavelength: 1468.0 to 1640.0 nm Control of Filter Dispersion Attenuation Control: 35 dB Filter Bandwidth: Variable From 10 GHz to 9 THz, Depending on Model Integrated Webserver Allows Platform-independent Control Applications: Optical Component Testing; Transceiver Testing; DWDM System Testing; Laser Pulse Compression; Optical/Microwave Filtering
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