Product information "HNx PicoSpark™ Series Amplified Microchip DPSS Lasers"
532, 1064 nm; Output Energy >45, >72 µJ; Repetition Rate >70 kHz; Peak Power >100, >200 kW; Pulse Width <0.65 ns
Teem Photonics’ HNx PicoSpark™ Series of amplified microchip DPSS lasers combines multi-watt average output power level with high repetition rate and exceptional pulse characteristics to provide the best price/quality ratio for micromachining applications.
Passively Q-switched (PQS) microchip laser technology and fiber amplification are brought together, delivering pulses with hundreds of kW peak power and hundreds of GW per cm² power density in a sealed and air-cooled, compact package – with the controller included.
This Master Oscillator Fiber Amplifier (MOFA) architecture notably offers full control over the pulse energy (or peak power) while leaving unchanged the pulse width and pulse shape . An Acousto Optic Modulator (AOM) option is also available to offer a rapid control of the repetition rate without distortion of the pulse and high energy stability from the first pulse on.
While the HNP-70F amplified laser produces 550 ps pulses of 1064 nm light at 70 kHz with an average power reaching 5 W, the HNG-70F amplified laser produces sub-500 ps pulses of 532 nm light at 70 kHz with an average power reaching 4 W. The lasers operate with a single emission frequency.
Key Features:
- Wavelengths: 532, 1064 nm
- Ultra-short Pulses, Pulse Width Down to 500 ps (<0.65 ns)
- High Repetition Rate >70 kHz (Can Be Factory-set to up to 100 kHz With Lower Energy per Pulse)
- AOM Option @532 nm
- Peak Power >200 kW at 1064 nm (>100 kW at 532 nm)
- Excellent Beam Quality: Beam Profile Gaussian TEM00, M²<1.2
- Efficient, Air-cooled
- Sealed Package, Long Life
- Output Energy: >45 µJ, >72 µJ
Applications: Micromachining; Selective Ablation of µm to nm Scale Layers; Edge Isolation; Cutting from PCB to PCD With No Heat Effect; Instrumentation; Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS); Raman Spectroscopy; Supercontinuum Generation; Ranging; Differential Absorption LIDAR; Biophotonics; Dense Tissue Ablation; Microsurgery