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ANx PicoOne/PicoMega Series Amplified Microchip DPSS Lasers

Product information "ANx PicoOne/PicoMega Series Amplified Microchip DPSS Lasers"

266, 355, 532, 1064 nm; Output Energy >1, >10, >25 µJ; Repetition Rate >70, 100, 150 kHz; Peak Power >6, >15, >38 kW; Pulse Width <0.65, <0.17 ns

Teem Photonics’ ANx PicoOne and PicoMega amplified DPSS laser series is based on a microchip seeder and an efficient MOFA (Master Oscillator Fiber Amplifier) amplification stage. These lasers produce 650 or even 170 ps pulses at frequencies in excess of 100 kHz with a peak power exceeding 38 kW at 1064 nm. The laser operates with a single emission frequency.

The Passively Q-switched (PQS) microchip laser technology and fiber amplification brought together with this laser series offers full control over the pulse energy (or peak power) while leaving unchanged the pulse width and pulse shape. Other seeders may also be used if different characteristics are required.

The ANP-20E PicoOne amplified laser produces pulses of 1064 nm light with a nearly Gaussian beam output and an average power reaching 1.75 W, while the ANG-10E PicoOne amplified laser produces pulses of 532 nm light with an average power reaching 700 mW. Variants with 355 nm and 266 nm output are available on request, please contact AMS Technologies for detailed performance.

Using the same platform as the PicoOne Series, the ANG-150P-000 PicoMega amplified laser brings passive Q-switching to a new realm. It generates ultra-short pulses (down to 120 ps) at repetition rates reaching 150 kHz. From LIDAR to high-throughput processing – in applications where ultra-short pulse width is a “must”, the PicoMega laser has a low cost of ownership compared to more complex ps lasers. It can be used as a seeder in applications where still higher power is needed.

Key Features:

  • Wavelengths: 266, 355, 532, 1064 nm
  • Ultra-short Pulses, Pulse Width Down to Below 170 ps @100 kHz
  • Peak Power: Up to >38 kW at 1064 nm (>15 kW at 532 nm)
  • Excellent Beam Quality: Beam Profile Gaussian TEM00, M²<1.2, <1.3
  • Efficient, Air-cooled
  • Sealed Package, Long Life
  • Output Energy: >1 µJ, >10 µJ, >25 µJ
  • Repetition Rate:  Up to 150 kHz 

Applications: Micromachining; Material Processing; Selective Ablation of µm to nm Scale Layers; PCB Repair; Seeder for High-power Amplification; Instrumentation and LIDAR; (Time Gated) Raman Spectroscopy; Supercontinuum Generation; Ranging; Biophotonics; Dense Tissue Ablation

Manufacturer "Teem Photonics"
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