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PDL-100 Polarization Dependent Loss Meter

Product information "PDL-100 Polarization Dependent Loss Meter"

1250-1650 nm; PDL Dynamic Range 0.015-30 dB; Scan Time <1 s; Insertion Loss <4 dB; Return Loss <-50 dB; Max. Input Power 1 mW

OZ Optics’ PDL-100 polarization dependent loss (PDL) meter integrates a sophisticated optoelectronic design with a user-friendly interface. The meter is designed to be insensitive to external optical power drift and generates very low insertion loss fluctuations during a measurement cycle. OZ Optics' PDL-100 PDL meter can be used to measure any pigtailed optical passive components accurately and repeatably, including fiber array wave guides, variable optical attenuators, isolators, couplers, switches and other optical devices.

The PDL-100 meter offers the capability of quickly characterizing PDL versus wavelength over a specified wavelength range. This is useful for testing a variety of optical components such as fiber Bragg Gratings. The meter is capable of acquiring and statistically analyzing multiple PDL measurements during a user-adjustable period of time.

The PDL-100 polarization dependent loss meter includes a built-in computer using the Windows CE operating system and a color touch screen. The built-in graphical display makes data analysis easy. The unit can be remotely operated via the serial interface port (RS232, RS485) or via a parallel printer port. An optional GPIB to RS232 converter is also available.

OZ Optics provides fixed and variable polarization dependent loss emulators. These emulators produce a precise level of polarization dependent loss, from 0.05 to 1dB. These devices can be used as references for calibration if required. OZ Optics also offers polarized fiber optic sources, single mode (SM) patchcords and polarization maintaining (PM) patchcords to complete your test setup.

Key Features:

  • Fast Polarization Dependent Loss (PDL) Measurement: Scan Time <1 s
  • Insensitive to External Power Drift
  • Insertion Loss (IL): <4 dB
  • Very Low Variation in Internal Loss (IL): <0.003 dB
  • Wide Wavelength Range Operability: 1250 nm to 1650 nm
  • Swept Wavelength Capability
  • High Resolution
  • Statistical Measurement Analysis
  • Replaceable Detector Receptacles
  • Built-in Graphical Interface With Color Touchscreen Display
  • Optional High-power Versions
  • Large PDL Dynamic Range: 0.015 dB to 30 dB
  • Measurement Method: Random Method as Described in FOTP-157 (TIA/EIA-455-157)
  • Fiber Type: Corning SMF-28 Single Mode (SM) Fiber
  • Accuracy: ±0.005 dB + 5% of PDL
  • Repeatability: ±0.003 dB + 2% of PDL
  • Optical Return Loss (RL): <-50 dB
  • Max. Input Power: 1 mW
  • Display: Color Touch Screen
  • External Controls: RS-232, RS-485 DB-9 type connector, or Parallel Printer Port
  • Operating Temperature: +10°C to +40°C
  • Power Supply Input Voltage: 100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50 Hz to 60 Hz
  • Dimensions: 18 cm x 27 cm x 30 cm
  • Weight: 5 kg

Applications: Optical Passive Component Qualification and Testing; Characterization of PDL Dependency Versus Wavelength; Fiber Bragg Grating Qualification; Polarization Dependent Gain (PDG) Measurement of EDFA; Quality Control

Manufacturer "OZ Optics"
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