Product information "M-Series Small TECs"
Small Multi Stage Peltier Modules; 3 x 3 to 21 x 21 mm; Height 2.7 to 10.2 mm; Max. Cooling Capacity 0.12 to 14 W; Max. TEC Current 0.32 to 7.8 A
With SmarTThermoelectrics’ M-Series, AMS Technologies offers multi stage small thermoelectric coolers (TECs, Peltier Modules) from two to five cascades with maximum temperature differences between its cold and hot side of up to 130 K. Here you can find cascade TECs with standard pyramidal design, TECs with enlarged surface of the top cascade (cold side) to work with relatively big cooled objects as well as linear cascade TECs, especially designed for deep cooling of long objects like CCDs or detector arrays. The M-Series’ bottom dimensions range from 3 × 3 to 21 × 21 mm and heights from 2.7 to 10.2 mm, with maximum cooling capacities from 0.12 to 14 W.
The MS subseries of multi stage small thermoelectric coolers provides TECs with standard pyramidal design from 2 to 5 stage cascade, while the ME subseries features an enlarged surface of the top cascade (TEC cold side = TEC hot side). This technology enables the ME subseries to provide the same cooling capacities and temperature differences as traditional pyramidal TECs but at bigger surface area of the cold side. Increased area and mechanical strength of the top cascades gives a possibility to work with relatively big cooled objects.
Linear cascade multi stage small thermoelectric coolers are the domain of SmarTThermoelectrics’ ML subseries. This variation of the ME-subseries TECs is especially designed for deep cooling of oblong objects like CCDs, detector arrays etc. And last but not least, the MI series of multi stage small thermoelectric coolers provides cascade TECs implemented with increased TE pellet density technology and thus with increased cooling density for demanding applications.
Key Features:
- Miniature Size- Multi Stage
- Standard Pyramidal, Linear or Enlarged Cold Side Format
- Ideal for Assembly into Various Sockets, Packages & Housings
- High Temperature Difference
Applications: Cooling and Temperature Control of Semiconductor Lasers, LEDs, X-ray and IR Detectors, CCDs, CPUs