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KI 9600A Series Pocket Power Meters

Product information "KI 9600A Series Pocket Power Meters"

Optical Power -60-+24 dBm; 635-1625 nm; Accuracy 2%; Display mW, μW, nW, dB, dBm; Detector InGaAs, Ge; Resolution 0.01 dB

Kingfisher’s inexpensive KI 9600A Series are simple and reliable shirt-pocket optical power meters for testing power and loss on all types of fiber optic systems.

The KI 9600A Series’ 2% traceable calibration accuracy, ease of use and high availability combine to achieve superior measurement confidence. Detector & calibration options cover a wide range of connector types, fiber types, common wavelengths and power levels from +24 to -60 dBm.

The small KI 9600A Series pocket fiber power meters are ideal for measuring absolute / relative light levels or test tones on single mode (SM), multi mode (MM) or plastic optical fiber (POF) systems. High traceable accuracy and ease of use make it perfect for field or laboratory.

The series’ tough construction includes moisture resistance, rubber corners, a captive connector dust cap and it can be dropped over 2 meters onto a hard surface. These instruments meet MIL PRF 28800F Class 2.

When used with multiple KI 9800A Series light sources, the multi-fiber ID feature uniquely identifies up to 12 fibers. The tight total uncertainty specification covers the entire range of measurement, temperature, connectors and fiber types, without warm up or dark current offset. Calibration is ISO 17025 traceable.

Operational savings come from a 3-year warranty, 300 hours of battery life and fast operation. The meter displays mW, μW, nW, dB, dBm to 0.01 dB resolution. A separate reference for each wavelength can be stored. A power averaging mode measures the average power of modulated signals.

The tamper-lock mode enables a site manager to lock and track instrument settings to reduce measurement skill and improve both test confidence and traceability. Interchangeable optical connectors are dust and drop protected. Other styles include the popular LC.

The InGaAs meter is the preferred solution for single mode testing from 900 to 1650 nm. Ge meters offer modest accuracy from 660 to 1550 nm. H series InGaAs meters are available for high-power testing. They offer good immunity to wavelength and reflection effects.

For testing 1 mm POF, ribbon fiber, MT-RJ, expanded beam connectors etc., refer to the KI 9600-XL series for instruments with large-area detectors.

Key Features:

  • Shirt Pocket Size With Spring Clip: 124 x 81 x 25 mm
  • Low Weight: 0.15 kg
  • Detector: InGaAs, H3B (InGaAs), H5 (InGaAs), Ge
  • Up to 12 Calibrated Wavelengths: 635 to 1625 nm
  • Calibration Accuracy: ±2%
  • ISO 17025 Traceable
  • Easy to Use, Rugged & Reliable
  • 2 x AA Batteries, 300 h Life
  • Large Sunlight-readable Display
  • Displays dBm, dB, linear, Tone Hz
  • Optical Power Level: -60 to +24 dBm
  • Resolution: 0.01 dB
  • Typical Wavelength Sensitivity (±30 nm): 0.03, 0.04 dB
  • Typical Midrange Linearity: 0.04, 0.06 dB
  • Typical Polarization Sensitivity: <0.05 dB
  • Maximum Total Uncertainty: 0.3, 0.5 dB
  • Power Averaging Mode for Modulated Signal
  • Max/Min Recording & Display Hold
  • Tone Detector With Multi-fiber ID for Fiber Identification: -20 to -50 dBm Sensitivity
  • Easy to use Tamper-lock Mode for Low-skill Measurement
  • Patented Low-cost Interchangeable Connectors
  • Full QA Reports
  • ISO 17025 Traceable Calibration Certificate
  • 3 Year Warranty & Calibration

Applications: System Power Testing; Attenuation Testing; Fiber Identification; Wavelength Selective Option for PON

Manufacturer "Kingfisher"
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