Product information "KONCENTRIK-V2 CONNECTOR Concentricity Measurement System"
Eccentricity Range 0 to 100 µm; Index Measurement 0° to 360°; Measurement Speed 10 s; Magnification x400; Ferrule Outside Diameter 1.00 to 3.17 mm
Data-Pixel’s KONZENTRIK-V2 is a modular measurement system. Fiber or ferrule eccentricity measurements can be performed using different mechanical modules.
KONZENTRIK-V2 CONNECTOR is dedicated to concentricity measurement of fiber core relative to ferrule envelope. The unit is able to measure the concentricity and indicate the angular value of maximum eccentricity.
With the BLINK software platform, KONZENTRIK-V2 CONNECTOR is an easy to use measurement unit with database connectivity.
KONZENTRIK-V2 CONNECTOR systems are compatible with Data-Pixel’s SUPERVISOR software, a MES style software which is in charge of the execution, management and monitoring of the production in an assembly workshop for fiber optic connectors. Its role is to supervise machines and help operators with complete traceability of the manufacturing information.
Key Features:
- Measures Diameter 2.50 and 1.25 mm PC Type Connectors
- APC Connectors Option Available
- Ferrule End-face Visual Inspection at x400 Magnification
- Accurate and Repeatable Measurements
- User Adjustable Quality Level for High-speed Measurements
- Easy Calibration BLINK Concentricity Software
- Measurement Data Exported in Standard CSV Format
- Statistics on Measurements Available
- Measurement Report in HTML Format
- Compatible With Desktop PC, Laptop, Tablet PC
Applications: Measurement of Connector Eccentricity; Concentricity Measurement of Fiber Core Relative to Ferrule Envelope; Indicate Angular Value of Maximum Eccentricity