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Custom Spherical Lenses

Product information "Custom Spherical Lenses"

OPTAplus designs and manufactures custom spherical lenses. Both surfaces of spherical lenses feature a spherical shape, they are defined by sections of a geometrical sphere.

OPTAplus’ custom spherical lenses are available as plano-concave or plano-convex types, either spreading or focusing the beam of light, but also in bi-convex or bi-concave shapes. Further versions available are doublets and triplets.

OPTAplus is capable of manufacturing spherical lenses in dimensions ranging from 2.0 mm up to 250.0 mm or even bigger on customer request. Available materials are optical glass, quartz glass, Borosilicate glass and colour-filter glass, as well as crystals like Si, Ge, MgF2, CaF2, Sapphire and others.

On customer request, OPTAplus’ custom spherical lenses can be coated with a broad selection of coating materials for the NIR, VIS and UV range for single wavelength or spectral area:

  • Anti-reflection (AR) Coatings: Single-layer AR Coating, V-coating and Multi-layer Coating
  • Reflective Coatings: Metallic and Dielectric Coating
  • Polarizing Coating


Please contact the AMS Technologies optical lens experts to discuss your customized spherical lens solution that exactly matches your application’s requirements.

Applications: Measurement & Control; Medical; Laser; Engineering; Sensors; Machine Vision; Image Processing; Aerospace & Defense; Other

Manufacturer "OPTAplus BG"
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Product number: SW11594