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MBC-QPSK DQPSK/QPSK-Modulator Bias Controller Box

Product information "MBC-QPSK DQPSK/QPSK-Modulator Bias Controller Box"

Modulator Bias Controller; QPSK, DQPSK Single or Dual Polarization; 1300, 1550 nm; Detector Input Power -25—10 dBm; Typ. Null Mode Extinction Ratio 25 dB; Locking Slope Positive, Negative

OZ Optics’ MBC-QPSK is a bench-top device specially designed to control the bias positions for DP/SP QPSK-modulator used for 80 Gbit QPSK or QAM applications. DQPSK (Differential quadrature phase-shift key) modulator can improve optical transmission properties such as total reach, dispersion tolerance, or spectral efficiency. Since the DP/SP QPSK modulator is a combination of 2/1 phase modulators and 4/2 Mach-Zehnder modulators, there are six or three bias points requiring control.

OZ’s MBC-QPSK DQPSK/QPSK modulator bias controller box is a full-function desktop version of the modulator bias controller (MBC) family. It simultaneously sets the first and second modulators of each QPSK modulator at Null points and the third modulator of each QPSK modulator at quad point. The slope of working point of the first and second modulator is selectable from the computer via GUI.

Key Features:

  • Six modulators can be controlled with one controller (1st, 2nd modulator of each QPSK modulator at Null/peak mode, the 3rd at Quad)
  • User selectable locking slope (NULL n PEAK) through USB interface
  • One photodiode is integrated in the controller
  • Three operation modes: DQPSK, QAM or Arbitrary-waveform
  • All settings are remotely controllable via USB computer interface
  • User can select automation mode or manual mode
  • User may stop the pilot tone for any or all modulators and manually tune the bias through USB computer interface
  • Read back the input power to the PDs and the bias voltages through GUI
  • Detector Input Power: -25 dBm to -10 dBm
  • Optical Wavelength: 1300 nm, 1550 nm
  • Bias Voltage (Differential): -25 V to +25 V
  • Bias Voltage (Single End): -12.5 V to +12.5 V
  • Null Mode Extinction Ratio: 25 dB Typ., 40 dB Max.
  • Locking Slope: Positive or Negative
  • Locking Mode: Null (Peak) Positions for Child Modulators, Quad+ or (Quad-) Position for Parent Modulator
  • Pilot Tone Modulation Depth: 0.1% (Quad, Typ., and Null, Max.)
  • Pilot Tone Frequency: 4000 Hz
  • Power Supply: 90 VAC to 240VAC, 0.65 A
  • Compact Design, Dimensions: 15.5 cm x 20.3 cm x 6.9 cm
  • Weight: 0.95 kg

Applications: Controlling the Bias Positions for DP/SP QPSK-Modulator Used for 80 Gbit QPSK or QAM Applications

Manufacturer "OZ Optics"
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Acousto-Optic Modulators
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Acousto-Optic Q-Switches
Wavelength 1030-2100 nm; Active Aperture 1-8 mm; Operating Frequency 24-80 MHz; Optical Material Crystalline Quartz, Fused Silica; Type Water Cooled, Conduction CooledAn acousto-optic Q-switch (AOQS) works within a laser cavity to generate high intensity, pulsed light by actively controlling the Q-factor (loss) of the cavity. The acousto-optic Q-switches available from Gooch & Housego (G&H) are rugged, reliable and long-lasting. The product offering includes low insertion loss and highly efficient acousto-optic Q-switches capable of handling very high peak power. Particular attention is used to match the cavity length, repetition rate, wavelength, beam diameter, polarization state and output power of a laser to the best acousto-optic Q-switch solution.G&H offers off-the-shelf solutions for polarized or unpolarized lasers at near infrared wavelengths. G&H can accommodate large lamp pumped multimode laser beam diameters (up to 8 mm) as well as small compact diode pumped beam diameters (< 1 mm) with both water and conduction cooling. Specialized designs meet unique needs such as ultra-high single pass loss (up to 96%), high switching speeds and premium pulse-to-pulse stability.A full line of RF drivers designed specifically for Q-switching is available, with rapid fall times, tight synchronization, operation in either fixed or variable mode and advanced capabilities like first pulse suppression or multichannel operation to drive multiple Q-switches within the same cavity.Applications: Laser Marking; Lithography; Material Processing; Medical Surgery; Micromachining Series Wavelength Active Aperture Operating Frequency Optical Material Type Downloads I-QS080-1C10G-8-GH28 Q-Switch 1030 - 1064 nm 1 mm 80 MHz Crystalline Quartz Conduction-Cooled Datasheet Driver Super Q-Switch 1064 nm 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.5 mm 24, 27.12 MHz Crystalline Quartz Water Cooled Datasheet Driver Industry Standard AO Q-Switch 1064 nm 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.5, 8 mm 24, 27.12, 40.68, 68 MHz Fused Silica Water Cooled Datasheet Driver Stallion Q-Switch 1064 nm 1.6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.5, 8 mm 24, 27.12, 40.68, 68 MHz Fused Silica Water Cooled Datasheet Driver VHE AO Q-Switch 1064 nm 1.6, 2.5, 2, 3, 4 mm 68 MHz Crystalline Quartz Water Cooled Datasheet   I-QS041-1.8C10G-4-GH21 AO Q-Switch 1064 nm 1.8 mm 40.68 MHz Crystalline Quartz Conduction-Cooled Datasheet Driver I-QS080-1C10G-4-GH25 Q-Switch 1064 nm 1 mm 80 MHz Crystalline Quartz Conduction-Cooled Datasheet Driver I-QS080-0.5C10G-8-GH48 Q-Switch 1064 nm 0.5 mm 80 MHz Crystalline Quartz Conduction-Cooled Datasheet Driver I-QS080-1C10H-4-OS14 1319 - 1342 nm 1 mm 80 MHz Crystalline Quartz Conduction-Cooled Datasheet Driver I-QS027-4S4V2-x5-ST1 Q-Switch 1550 nm 4 mm 27.12 MHz Fused Silica Water Cooled Datasheet   I-QS041-2C10V5-4-HC1 Q-Switch 1900 - 2100 nm 2 mm 40.68 MHz Crystalline Quartz Conduction-Cooled Datasheet Driver I-QS041-5C10V5-x5-ST3 Q-Switch 2100 nm 5 mm 40.68 MHz Crystalline Quartz Water Cooled Datasheet Driver    
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AOM Fiber-coupled Acousto-optic Modulators
1030 to 1064 nm; Bandwidth ±10 dB; Pigtail Style; Fiber Type SM, PM; Supersonic Wave Frequency 80, 100 MHz LightComm Technology’s AOM series of fiber coupled acousto-optic modulators is designed for pulsed fiber laser/amplifier system applications. The AOM is installed in the fiber laser cavity, laser pulses can be obtained by modulating the AOM with a TTL signal. The AOM series is available with single mode (SM) and polarization maintaining fibers. Customized solutions are available on request to meet the specific demands of your modulator solution – get in touch with AMS Technologies to discuss your requirements. Key Features: Low Insertion Loss Compact Package Stable and Reliable Performance Customized Configurations Available Operating Wavelength: 1030 to 1064 nm Bandwidth: ±10 dB Supersonic Wave Frequency: 80, 100 MHz Fiber Type: Single Mode (SM), Polarization Maintaining (PM) Applications: Fiber Amplifiers; Fiber Lasers
Product number: SW11017
Fiber-Coupled Acousto-Optic Modulators
Wavelength 450-200 nm; Pigtail Type SM, PM; Rise / Fall Time 6-100 ns; Operating Frequency 40-300 MHz; Fiber-coupled acousto-optic modulators (FCAOM) offer a robust solution for amplitude modulation of fiber lasers, allowing direct control of the timing, intensity, and temporal shape of the laser output. Gooch & Housego’s (G&H) Fiber-Q® modulators offer high extinction ratio, low insertion loss and excellent stability in both polarization maintaining (PM) and non-PM formats at modulation frequencies up to 80 MHz for visible and infrared wavelengths. Built for reliability, the Fiber-Q® series of products features a rugged hermetic design in a compact, low-profile package, ideal for ease of integration into all-fiber and OEM systems, including medical laser systems.Each Fiber-Q® acousto-optic modulator requires an RF driver to generate the RF signal creating the acoustic wave within the embedded AO crystal. Modulation of the beam through the Fiber-Q will depend upon the frequency and intensity of the applied RF signal. Contact our sales team to identify the best RF driver for your specific application, taking into consideration the type of modulation required (digital or analog) as well as any specific pulse shaping needs.A fiber-coupled acousto-optic modulator (FCAOM) can directly control the temporal characteristics of the active output from a fiber laser, offering a wider variety of pulse shapes. As a byproduct of the acousto-optic effect, light passing through the first order diffraction mode of a fiber-coupled modulator also experiences a frequency shift and beam deflection. This allows the Fiber-Q® products to be used for more than just modulation, resulting in applications outside the laser such as optical heterodyne interferometry. G&H’s fiber optic acousto-optic modulators are designed for low insertion loss, high extinction ratio and excellent return loss. Typical optical performance for the Fiber-Q® series includes: Insertion loss: as low as 2 dB, depending on model Extinction ratio: 50 dB Return loss: 40 dB Polarization extinction ratio: 20 dB (for polarization-maintaining models) G&H has developed the first devices for visible wavelengths from 397 nm to 780 nm to meet the needs of sensing and quantum technology applications. The fast switch rate Fiber-Q® devices enable efficient, high speed optical pulse picking at infrared wavelengths for all-fiber laser systems. Most devices are also offered in 3-port configurations.Applications: Industrial Lasers; Sensing; Scientific Research; Telecommunication; Quantum Technology; Optical Heterodyne Interferometry; Microscopy; Flow Cytometry Series Product Code Wavelength Pigtail Type Rise / Fall Time Operating Frequency Downloads Fiber-Q 1060 nm 150 MHz Non-Hermetic Fiber-Coupled AOM S-M150-0.4C2G-3-F2S 1060 nm SM 30 ns 150 MHz Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Driver Fiber-Q 1060 nm 200 MHz Non-Hermetic Fiber-Coupled AOM S-M200-0.1C2G-3-F2P 1060 nm SM 10 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver   Driver  Driver Fiber-Q 450 nm 200 MHz S-M200-0.4C2A-3-F2P, S-M200-0.4C2A-3-F2S 450 nm PM, SM 25 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver   Driver  Driver  Fiber-Q 532 nm 200 MHz S-M200-0.4C2C-3-F2P, S-M200-0.4C2C-3-F2S 532 nm PM, SM 25 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver  Driver     Fiber-Q 633 nm 200 MHz Fiber Coupled AOM S-M200-0.4C2E-3-F2P, S-M200-0.4C2E-3-F2S 633 nm PM, SM 25 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver   Driver    Fiber-Q PM 1550 nm, 40 MHz (AMTIR) T-M040-0.5C8J-3-F2P 1550 nm PM 100 ns 40 MHz Datasheet  Driver  Driver  Driver  Fiber-Q 1550 nm 40 MHz (AMTIR) T-M040-0.5C8J-3-F2S 1550 nm SM 100 ns 40 MHz Datasheet Datasheet Datasheet Driver  Fiber-Q PM 2000 nm 80 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M080-0.3C2Z-3-F2P 2000 nm PM 100 ns 80 MHz Datasheet  Driver      Fiber-Q 2000 nm 80 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M080-0.3C2Z-3-F2S 2000 nm SM 100 ns 80 MHz Datasheet  Driver     Fiber-Q PM 1550nm 80MHz Hermetic Fiber-Coupled AOM T-M080-0.4C2J-3-F2P 1550 nm PM 35 ns 80 MHz Datasheet  Driver     Fiber-Q 1550 nm 80 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M080-0.4C2J-3-F2S 1550 nm SM 35 ns 80 MHz Datasheet  Driver     PM Fiber-Q Polarization Maintaining 1550 nm Hermetic Fiber Coupled Acousto-Optic Modulator, 80 MHz (Low Power Consumption) T-M080-0.5C8J-3-F2P 1550 nm PM 100 ns 80 MHz Datasheet  Driver      Fiber-Q 1550 nm Hermetic Fiber Coupled Acousto-Optic Modulator, 80 MHz (Low Power Consumption) T-M080-0.5C8J-3-F2S 1550 nm PM 100 ns 80 MHz Datasheet  Driver      Fiber-Q PM 1550 nm 110 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M110-0.2C2J-3-F2P 1550 nm PM 25 ns 110 MHz Datasheet Driver       Fiber-Q 1550 nm 110 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M110-0.2C2J-3-F2S 1550 nm SM 25 ns 110 MHz Datasheet  Driver      Fiber-Q PM 1060 nm 150 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M150-0.4C2G-3-F2P 1060 nm PM 30 ns 150 MHz Datasheet  Driver     Fiber-Q 1060 nm 150 MHz Hermetic Fiber-Coupled AOM T-M150-0.4C2G-3-F2S 1060 nm SM 30 ns 150 MHz Datasheet  Driver     Fiber-Q, 780 nm, 150 MHz Fiber Coupled AOM T-M150-0.5C2W-3-F2P, T-M150-0.5C2W-3-F2S 780 nm PM, SM 50 ns 150 MHz Datasheet  Driver     Fiber-Q PM 1060 nm 200 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M200-0.1C2G-3-F2P 1030 - 1090 nm PM 10 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver Driver     Fiber-Q 1060 nm 200 MHz Fiber Coupled AOM T-M200-0.1C2G-3-F2S 1060 nm SM 10 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver  Driver  Driver  Fiber-Q PM 1550 nm 200 MHz Hermetic Fiber-Coupled AOM T-M200-0.1C2J-3-F2P 1550 nm PM 10 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver Driver     Fiber-Q 1550 nm 200 MHz Hermetic Fiber-Coupled AOM T-M200-0.1C2J-3-F2S 1550 nm SM 10 ns 200 MHz Datasheet  Driver Driver     Fiber-Q 2000 nm (2µm) 250 MHz Fiber Coupled AOM T-M250-0.3C16Z-3-F2P 2000 nm PM 20 ns 250 MHz Datasheet  Driver      Fiber-Q 1060 nm 300 MHz Hermetic Fiber Coupled AOM T-M300-0.1C2G-3-F2P, T-M300-0.1C2G-3-F2S 1060 nm PM, SM 6 ns 300 MHz Datasheet  Driver      Fiber-Q 1550 nm Fiber Coupled Acousto-Optic Modulator T-M300-0.1C16J-3-F2P 1550 nm PM 6 ns 300 MHz Datasheet Driver      
Product number: SW11440