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Luna 6415 Lightwave Component Analyzer

Product information "Luna 6415 Lightwave Component Analyzer"

OFDR Technology; Spatial Resolution 20 µm; Max. Device Length 20, 40 m; Center Wavelength 1546.69 nm; Wavelength Range 40 nm; Dynamic Range 15, 70 dB

The Luna 6415 lightwave component analyzer is a fast and simple-to-use analyzer for passive optical components and modules, extending Luna’s industry-leading optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) platform to manufacturing test and quality control applications.

Unlike traditional passive component testers, Luna 6415 measures and analyzes the insertion loss (IL) and return loss (RL) distribution as well as length with a single instrument, working in either reflection or transmission.

The Luna 6415 lightwave component analyzer utilizes optical frequency domain reflectometry (OFDR) technology to measure backscattered or transmitted light as a function of distance. The system features extremely high sensitivity, 20 μm spatial sampling resolution and very fast scanning for high test throughput, making it an ideal testing tool for photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and silicon photonics.

By integrating both reflection and transmission measurements, Luna 6415 reduces the cost and complexity of test while increasing throughput and provides more complete test coverage of your component. The Luna 6415 lightwave component analyzer further simplifies your manufacturing test with an integrated tunable laser source , automated IL and RL calculations, self-calibration and very high scanning speeds for greater test throughput.

Key Features:

  • Return Loss (RL) and Insertion Loss (IL) Analysis
  • Trace Distributed Return Loss (RL) Over Length of Optical Path – Easily Measure Waveguide Scattering
  • Spectral Analysis of Return Loss (RL) and Insertion Loss (IL)
  • Detect and Precisely Locate Reflective Events and Measure Path Length
  • Speed, Resolution and Accuracy for Optimizing Production Test
  • High Spatial Sampling Resolution: 20 μm
  • Measurement Range: 20 m
  • Scan/Acquisition Rate: 6 Hz
  • Maximum Device Length: 20 m (Reflection), 40 m (Transmission)
  • Wavelength Range: 40 nm
  • Center Wavelength: 1546.69 nm
  • Maximum Optical Power: 5 mW
  • Dynamic Range: 70 dB (RL Measurement), 15, 70 dB (IL Measurement, Reflection / Transmission Mode)
  • Return Loss Measurement Sensitivity: -135 dB
  • Measurement Resolution: ±0.1 dB

Applications: Spatial RL Testing; Automated Insertion Loss (IL) Test and Analysis; Skew Measurement With Sub-picosecond Resolution; PLCs, Waveguide Devices, AWGs, ROADMs, etc.; Couplers, Switches, Beamsplitters

Manufacturer "Luna"
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