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AMS Technologies AG
Fraunhoferstrasse 22
82152 Martinsried

Phone: +49 (0)89 895 77-0
Fax:     +49 (0)89 895 77-199

E-mail: info(at)  

Trade Register Number: HRB München 20 72 35 (Amtsgericht München)
VAT Number: DE 129 28 52 99
Tax Number. 143/100/04090

Represented by:
Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Juergen Hansjosten
Chief Executive Officer: Jan Meise, Chief Operating Officer / Chief Financial Officer: Philipp Weber

The information provided on the website of AMS Technologies AG is for information purposes only. The contents are subject to copyright and may be neither distributed, amended or copied, either in part or in whole, without the prior written consent of AMS Technologies AG.

As a "service provider" in accordance with Section 3, § 1 of the Teledienstgesetz of 22/07/1997 (TDG), AMS Technologies AG is responsible for its own content that it provided for use in accordance with general law. A distinction must be made between this company-owned content and links to content provided by other suppliers. By providing links, AMS Technologies AG is providing access to "third-party content". We shall only be responsible for this third-party content if we have positive knowledge of it (i.e. also if the content is illegal or punishable) and it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent its use (Section 5, § 2 TDG).